Saturday, December 13, 2014

Fierce Race Nails

Every race since last year, I have had a race prep that got me geared up and ready for race day. Some people get their hair cut. Others shave their legs. I get my nails done (or at least do them myself).

Sparklin' it up for the North Face #ECSCA 50k!

The reasoning behind this is simple. I am fierce but I am also cute. I love the duality of it. I am allowed to be both strong and buff while also being girly and cute. Its part of who I am and I don't need to conceal it while I race. 

I absolutely adore Alysia Montano and Maggie Vessey. They don't let their speed take over their personality on the track. Sometimes my teammates poke fun of my fondness to cuteness but I dont mind. Wearing bight, pink shorts is a part of who I am and I personally believe that it keeps me feeling fast! Fast and Fierce! 

So, instead of keeping this to myself, I am gonna start to share on this blog my race nails :) 

My hope is that you get inspired to incorporate a piece of yourself while racing or even just going through your everyday lives. There's truly no harm in expressing yourself :) 

Go on and get fancy!

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