Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Week 2 Update

It has now been 13 days since I have started my journey toward drinking more water. There has been some struggles with nights where I had to down a few more ounces then desired but I've gotten there. With the help of my water drinking app (which alerts me every 2 hours to drink water), I have been getting my fill of water every day! Ironically, being sick has actually helped me with my challenge. Since I have been terribly sick for the 2 weeks, I have been downing mugs of green tea throughout the morning, day and evening!

My lips feel so fresh and lacking their typical chappiness. And I have been feeling great! In addition, since I have gotten in the habit of drinking green tea every morning, I have also kicked my slight dependency on coffee! Now, I feel so fresh and awake in the morning. I truly hope this continues!

BTW I am feeling much better now that my cold/flu has gone away. My voice left me the first week back at the high school and I worried about how my students would react to my hoarse voice. But being the sweet kids that they are, I think they noticed my voice and have been acting so kind lately! :) I guess I should be sick more often! JK! I really need to kick this cold to the curb and get back on Boston Marathon training! The Kaiser half marathon is a couple weeks away and I don't know how this race will go :/

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