Saturday, January 31, 2015

Back at it!

Today, I got out and did a nice long bike ride!

Throughout the entire week, I just haven't been feeling race ready for the Kaiser half marathon that is happening on Sunday. I debated how I should train during the week. Fortunately, I have a wonderful coach who reminded me that this race is for training. Its a race that will prepare me for my A race, the Boston Marathon. So, he suggested I train through this race.

So with the encouragement of my fellow PACWEST triathlon race team, I came out for a fun 3 Bears ride in the East Bay. And let me tell you, today was such a fantastic day! I was reminded how amazingly blessed that I am to be able to train and live in this amazing place! The sites were beautiful The hills were plentiful (and you know how much I love hills!)! And the chance to be around friends was exactly what I needed.

I needed this jolt. I have been so laissez faire with my training lately. I've been in the mode of get this done, get that done, that I totally forgot why I do triathlons. Today, I remembered that I absolutely love riding my bike, being outside and being active with friends! It was such a joy to get out on my bike and just let the everything in.

Thank you Pacwest and Breakaway for such an incredible ride today! I'll see you all at the next long ride next weekend (and many of you way before then!).

As for Kaiser... this ride really pumped me up. I am hopeful that my legs are comfortable tomorrow but either way, I am going to go out and just enjoy it... cause why not? Why would we do these things if we didn't love it?

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