All of this past year, I have been trying out new running shoes and figuring out what works for my feet. Prior to this journey, I ran in Newton Distance Elites. I loved them but my running store stopped caring them and it was just getting much harder to get my hands on them.
I tried a variety of Nikes, Brooks, Hokas and I just couldn't find any shoes that gave me what I wanted and didn't make the balls of my feet burn after a few miles.
Yesterday, I tried the On Cloudflow for 4 miles on an asphalt trail. My legs definitely needed to get used to them as my legs felt a little sore during and after (but that could easily be chalked up to my strength training session the day prior). But overall, the responsiveness is exactly what I was looking for after such a long search!
This morning, I took these shoes on a 11 mile run. I was worried how they would hold up - if I would get blisters, hot spots or just overall discomfort. But this morning, they felt great! Lots of responsiveness and easy to wear. I will update more as I continue to run in these but for now I am so glad I tried out this new shoes brand!!!