Saturday, January 6, 2018

My son is my inspiration

My son is the happiest when he is running 😁

For so long, I let myself give the excuse that I am not running to the ability that I wish I were I'm because I had my son. I sit at home with my son thinking that I can't leave him to go on a run cause he will miss me. This is my mom guilt. Though I know I want to run and need it to achieve my goals, I feel that my constant presence is equivalent to my love. I know this is not true and that we will both be the happiest when we both get what we need. So today, after I had already decided I would run tomorrow, my son and husband feel asleep on the couch (for a nap), there was no longer an excuse. I was already wearing my clothes (cause that's the first step, right?) and just threw on my shoes. I got out and ran. It felt beautiful. I felt happy that I was talking my steps towards my goal!

My son is  not my excuse, he my inspiration. I want to be the happiest and healthiest that I can be. I want him to see me training hard to reach my goals. 

Monday, January 1, 2018

2018 Race Schedule

2017 was a year of newness. My husband started a new job, I started a new job and my son started daycare. Trying to keep up with training on top of all of these changes was too difficult than I was willing to accept. Training for a marathon was draining. I was adjusting to the struggles of work (after taking a year for maternity leave) and trying to make sure my son got as much Mommy time as I could give, they whatever energy I had left went to running miles. My mind, body and heart were not ready to train the amount that I knew I needed to put in for the results that I wanted. So instead, I made the decision to focus on letting myself happy. I trained with my team for enjoyment and ran on weekends to stay sane. I am so happy with choice I made. But now, 2018 has started and I'm ready to give it my all!

On top of teaching at my new high school, I have also become a bodypump instructor (and am working on my cycling certification) - and absolutely love it! 

2018 Race Schedule
  • January Pacifica Foothills Trail Half Marathon
  • February 4: Kaiser Half Marathon
  • March 11: Reach for a Start 5k
  • April 8: SACTown 10 miler
  • April 15: Napa HITs Olympic Triathlon
  • May 6: Danville Mile of Truth
  • June 24: One Mile Bang
  • August 26: Santa Rosa Marathon
  • December 2: CIM Marathon