Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Santa Rosa Marathon Recap

First Marathon Back after Baby!

Being a mama is hard work, ya'll! Its the most amazing job that I could ask for and I am so thankful to have such a spirited, high-energy, little boy. Because of my life and work obligations, I haven't felt that I had the time to train for a marathon until now. I had fought the mom guilt and it crushed me hard for a long time but now, I know for my own sanity and happiness, I need to carve out time just for myself. I feel that I am so much stronger for it! I followed my Impala racing team's 18-week  marathon training plan as well as the Crush the Marathon Train Like A Mother program. I chose to pay for the program because I wanted to chat with a like-minded community. Its a group of mothers who are also training for marathons while trying to balance the family-work-training life :) 

I can say I did a majority of my training plans. It was difficult with 3 summer trips (all involving flying) and just trying to stay motivated to do long runs alone. I admit that I did not follow the training plan to a T. I did my long runs super slow and I did not often do tempo or speed workout (at least not the amount that I used to do before my toddler was born). But I felt confident that I was going to complete the marathon. I was not confident at all that I would hit my A Goal pace (goal was to finish in 3:30 - slower than the previous 2 marathons but I felt obtainable with where I was at physically).

As for the marathon, it started out just as I had planned. The weather was cold and sprinkles (not my favorite but I assumed it would warm up and my muscles would warm up with it. The the first half, I was hitting my pace, I was feeling calm and I was smiling. I kept chanting to myself "I belong here". Through mile 20, I was still hitting 8:00/mile pace or faster...

Then I felt defeated and crushed once I got halfway through mile 20. I lost the woman who was running my pace with me the whole time. My hamstrings were shot and my glutes were so tight. I blame the cold and that I had not run further than 21 miles during my training. My body was thinking I was crazy! I ended up allowing myself a walk for a few minutes at the start of every new mile then pushed to "jog" until the next mile marker. It was rough! It was so hard. I wanted to give up! But I couldn't! I was determined to at least stay close to my goal. 

I finished the marathon and cried once I saw my husband and son! (My son was so excited to see me - cause he wanted to nurse! I plopped down a few feet from the finish line and just sat and nursed my little boy as I weeped). I finished in 3:38. I gave every bit that I could during that race! I was happy with my finish time but so disappointed in myself for not getting the time I wanted. But instead of letting that hurt me, I allowed it to burn my fire within. I was already signed up for the California International Marathon in December and I cannot wait to put it all out there and see what my body can do! I really believe its about my body knowing I could handle that distance and now I can work on crushing it!

And this time, I have a whole fleet of teammates hitting up this race and I am loving the training so far!

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Don't call it a comeback

     My son recently turned 2 and it made me think about how this entire time i have been so hard on myself to get to my pre-baby shape and speed. Getting back to shape was easy since I became a body pump instructor. But getting my running speed back is a continued struggle. 

     I read about moms who had their babies and became faster runners than they ever were before. I imagined using my new found pain tolerance to my advantage. Little did I know that this was not in the cards for me. Trying balance my family, full-time and part-time jobs, and find the mental capacity to focus on running is tough! I remember the 2-a-day workouts Pre-baby and myself pushing deeper into the pain cave. I loved those days! But I'm so far removed from that. I am working hard to get back there but I'm allowing myself the time to do it. 

     It's a constant battle in my head. I should be faster. I used to be faster. It's so much negativity! Instead, I need to give my body the appreciation it deserves. Yes, it brought me to an Ironman 70.3 world championship but it also created the most amazing little boy I could have asked for. The human body is an incredible thing and I can't wait to see what else I can do with it!

     My current goal is to run. Run a bunch of races to remind myself of the joy of toe-ing the line and pushing to see what my best is for that day. I'm using my summer to build and strengthen for the Santa Rosa Marathon. And after that, join my teammates at The California International Marathon. 

     I know I placed lots of expectations on myself but I'm at a point that I want to push my body and mind. I don't want to hold back. There is more that this momma can do and I can't wait to find out what that is!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

My son is my inspiration

My son is the happiest when he is running 😁

For so long, I let myself give the excuse that I am not running to the ability that I wish I were I'm because I had my son. I sit at home with my son thinking that I can't leave him to go on a run cause he will miss me. This is my mom guilt. Though I know I want to run and need it to achieve my goals, I feel that my constant presence is equivalent to my love. I know this is not true and that we will both be the happiest when we both get what we need. So today, after I had already decided I would run tomorrow, my son and husband feel asleep on the couch (for a nap), there was no longer an excuse. I was already wearing my clothes (cause that's the first step, right?) and just threw on my shoes. I got out and ran. It felt beautiful. I felt happy that I was talking my steps towards my goal!

My son is  not my excuse, he my inspiration. I want to be the happiest and healthiest that I can be. I want him to see me training hard to reach my goals. 

Monday, January 1, 2018

2018 Race Schedule

2017 was a year of newness. My husband started a new job, I started a new job and my son started daycare. Trying to keep up with training on top of all of these changes was too difficult than I was willing to accept. Training for a marathon was draining. I was adjusting to the struggles of work (after taking a year for maternity leave) and trying to make sure my son got as much Mommy time as I could give, they whatever energy I had left went to running miles. My mind, body and heart were not ready to train the amount that I knew I needed to put in for the results that I wanted. So instead, I made the decision to focus on letting myself happy. I trained with my team for enjoyment and ran on weekends to stay sane. I am so happy with choice I made. But now, 2018 has started and I'm ready to give it my all!

On top of teaching at my new high school, I have also become a bodypump instructor (and am working on my cycling certification) - and absolutely love it! 

2018 Race Schedule
  • January Pacifica Foothills Trail Half Marathon
  • February 4: Kaiser Half Marathon
  • March 11: Reach for a Start 5k
  • April 8: SACTown 10 miler
  • April 15: Napa HITs Olympic Triathlon
  • May 6: Danville Mile of Truth
  • June 24: One Mile Bang
  • August 26: Santa Rosa Marathon
  • December 2: CIM Marathon